Write Your Next Chapter: Essential Q and A for Anyone Considering a Rewire

Rewire Q and A from living your old life to thriving in your next chapter

What is a Rewire?

Rewiring is like hitting a refresh button on your career. It's when you give yourself a moment to breathe, look around, and genuinely ask, "Is this what I want?" If things aren't adding up to joy or fulfillment, this is the time you dare to dream of different paths, perhaps ones more aligned with your purpose.

The journey from that initial realization, through planning and finally stepping into a life that feels authentically yours, is what we call the rewire journey.

When Do People Rewire?

Rewiring can hit you at any stage from mid-career through landing in full retirement. It's less about how many years you've clocked in and more about that inner call for a meaningful shift toward purpose. 

What Types of Rewire Are There?

There are many flavors of rewire - each person’s destination is unique.  Some find their second wind in a completely new career, others start their own ventures like consulting or coaching. There's also the draw towards board service, phased retirement, or just striking a healthier balance between work and life.

What your rewire looks like is really up to what fulfillment means to you.

When's the Right Time to Start Planning a Rewire?

Starting 2-5 years before you want to be fully living in your post-rewire life works best. It's that sweet spot for digging deep into what you truly desire, plotting the course, expanding your network, picking up new skills, and maybe even moving to a new place.

Giving yourself plenty of time means you can be thoughtful about the entire process.  

Should I Be Thinking About a Rewire?

If there's a little voice inside you whispering for something different, or if you find yourself questioning the big-picture meaning of your current path, then it might be time to consider a rewire. But if you're waking up feeling balanced and content most days, you might already be living your best post-rewire life.

Do I Need to Be Nearing Retirement to Rewire?

Not at all! Rewiring isn't just about retirement. Many mid-career folks are ready to pivot towards something that feels more fulfilling, yet still have plenty of active years ahead of them. Of course, the rewire toolbox can also help those planning a fulfilling retirement to look beyond just the financials.

What Are Some Rewire Challenges?

Everyone's rewire journey is unique, along with the challenges. A big one for many is overcoming mental hurdles. It's easy to get caught up in fears of what might go wrong instead of envisioning what could go right.

Our tools and workshops focus on how to notice and overcome internal barriers along the way. 

How do I Financially Prepare for my Rewire?

Preparing financially for any big career or life change is critical. There are hundreds (thousands?) of resources out there to help you evaluate your current state and make a plan for where you need to be in the future, financially.

We aren’t financial planners and don’t offer financial advice. Instead, we focus on how to prepare for all the other areas of your fulfilling next chapter.

How Can I Find Support for my Rewire?

Finding a supportive community during this transition is vital. As you shift careers, the people you usually lean on for advice might change, and it can feel a bit lonely. That's why we're creating spaces like the Rewire Collective, where you can connect with others who are going through a similar journey. You don't have to go through this alone.

What Does Success Look Like for a Rewire? 

Success in rewiring is all about what it means to you. For the first time, you get to decide what success looks like, free from corporate goals or someone else's expectations. It's about envisioning your future and feeling good in your new life as much as it is about reaching a particular goal.

Ready to start your own Rewire? Check out our Kick Start Guide!


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