Rewire Paths: How Professional Women Define Their Next Chapter

Every career path is different. No two families are the same. And each of us has an individual dream for the future.

So naturally, every rewire journey is unique.

It might start when you reach a breaking point at work, notice your priorities shift, or reach a certain age. Sometimes the decision is made for you in the form of an unplanned layoff or exit.

What’s common across rewires is the desire for a meaningful change for the next chapter - a pivot toward something that delivers more fulfillment.

Let’s look at the variety of rewire destinations or endpoints. These are themes from our conversations with professional women - your journey might fall neatly into one of these buckets, span several, or capture a different goal entirely.

Second Act Career

A "Second Act Career" or encore means pivoting from a primary career to a new field of interest. We see people who move from a high-pressure career to teaching at a local college or leaving startup life behind to support a nonprofit as a paid employee. This is a great option for professionals who aren’t ready to retire and enjoy the benefits of work: structure, social network, and accomplishment. It is also a way to invest more time in a passion or interest you put on the back burner while investing in a professional career.

“One More Turn”

At a fork in the road, professionals are often choosing between jumping back in for one more ride on the corporate or startup train or pursuing one of the other options on this list. We’ll hear language like ‘I have one more in me’ - meaning - I still have the desire to engage in the work I’ve been doing, but do see an end point coming in the future. Going back for one more is a great option, particularly if you do it with an intention in mind (I want to accomplish XX, earn YY, hit a specific milestone).

Phased Retirement

Retirement isn’t an all-or-nothing equation anymore. Many professionals don’t want to go from running a team or company to sitting by the pool or hitting the golf course every day. Taking a phased approach means a planned shift from full-time (or more-than-full-time as so many professional jobs are today) to reduced hours or a part-time schedule. This gradual approach means you can adjust to a new lifestyle and find a balance between work and the rest of your life thoughtfully.

Coach or Advisory Biz

You spend years building expertise and a professional network, and a rewire is an opportunity to leverage those assets differently. Starting a coaching or advisory business is a rewire path for many - full of purpose and fulfillment by providing useful services, along with the autonomy to create your schedule.

This option is something that you can start alongside your current career - gaining a few clients and confidence before making the jump to full independence.

Board Service

Serving on a board is a prestigious way to stay engaged and utilize your professional expertise without the demands of a full-time role. Board service can be an excellent option for those who want to remain connected to the business or nonprofit world, offering strategic guidance and governance. It’s a chance to contribute to the direction and success of an organization while also enjoying fewer hours in meetings.

Full Retirement

The classic model of retirement is also on the roadmap for many. Switching from a heavy full-time role to full-time freedom is rightfully appealing. This can be a rest stop before choosing to explore one of the options on the list or a permanent focus on being over doing. After working a full career, retirement offers a chance to invest in activities that were deferred - hobbies, learning, or relaxing!


When you aren’t tethered to an employer, and likely any children have left the house, the world opens up (literally)! Travel is a goal many have for their rewire - a different schedule means more time to explore the world and unplug in ways that aren’t realistic mid-career.

Family Focus

Often, when people are thinking of a rewire there are changing family dynamics at play. Adult children may be having children of their own, or parents are aging and need a different level of support. A rewire might mean shuffling life’s priorities and energy to make space for increased family focus - in whatever form makes sense for your specific family.

Wherever your rewire journey takes you, we are here to support your journey. If you are looking for resources, tools, and a community of women walking this path, check out the Rewire Collective.


Navigating the Lonely Middle of a Rewire: Isolation to Community


Write Your Next Chapter: Essential Q and A for Anyone Considering a Rewire